Sunday, May 27, 2012

Peace in God

It's been a weird time this past month. There has great joy and great sorrow and hurt. There has been confusion and pain. Celebration and a little remorse. I have never felt the different changes in emotions like I have this week alone. Kids do that to us though. That's their job I think. Thats just a joke. But no matter what, God has been there and helped get me through it. I've really never understood the full amount of peace He brings when we allow Him to do so. When we trust Him, fully trust Him to do what He says He will do in our lives, He will give you peace; peace beyond any understanding. It doesn't make things go away, it just makes thing easier to handle. It also helps to know that we are never too far away or fallen too far away for Him to comfort us. And when we find ourselves in those good times and things are going well, He helps us to better appreciate the place we are in. The very next choice we make is the one that matter s now. The past is that, past. We are where we are and it's what we do from here that will determine where we go and end up. Learn from the past and let it go, but don't forget it. If you do you are doomed to repeat it. I love you more than anything. No one will love you more. TTP

Thursday, January 5, 2012

A True Champion

The mark of a true champion shows in how they handle adversity. When the going seems tough for some the champion emerges. They will not concede defeat until the final whistle blows and the last amount of themselves is spent. Anything less is less of a champion. Some are naturally destined to be champions. The ones who chose to be, have worked the hardest to be. Do not let yourself down. You are champion. Play like a champion today.  I love you. TTP

Sunday, January 1, 2012

It's A New Year

Well, here we go. It's a new year and the last ended the same as this one started, I didn't see either one of them. I have at some point failed miserably with the the oldest. The youngest and I are still close and able to talk to each other. I think J just thinks I'm and idiot. She has no idea of the things ahead for her. She won't put forth the effort to strive for it either. She says she wants help but won't take any because it's not the kind she wants. She wants respect but will not give any and takes full advantage of her mom. She is the prodigal. Ash is the oldest and I am the father. Differences; Ash will rejoice when J comes home. I will not be as good as the father in the story. I vow to do my best though. I will never again say to her " I told you so". She is my daughter, and love her with all I am. She as owned me since the day she was born. I will do for her now the same as before but now I can see where I got in the way of her growing up. Ash has been blessed in seeing the errors of J's ways and listens to what is said to her. J is stronger than Ash but both have weakness and strength of their own making. I just need J to find the road home. She's lost in the forest and crumbs have been eaten. I'm helpless in helping her. I can only call out to her and hope she hears. This will be the year of her return. I just know it.  TTP